We’ll get to my favourite bookshop in Lisbon, Livraria Sà da Costa, in a minute.
First, a word on Portuguese secondhand and antiquarian bookshops in general (called albufarristas in Portuguese) — I’ve never seen so many! In both Lisbon and Porto, there seemed to be one everywhere I looked. I’ve previously written about my favourite albufarrista in Porto, Livraria Moreira da Costa.

Livraria Moreira da Costa in Porto.
I’ve since been informed by a Portuguese friend via Instagram that book publishing was an expensive undertaking in times past, and subject to heavy censorship for much of the 20th century while Portugal groaned under the Salazar dictatorship. As a result, most people could only afford to buy secondhand books. If anyone has another explanation, I’d love to hear from you in the comments below.